At the Bar 

©1996 Andrew Calhoun, recorded on Phoenix Envy 

He is at the bar again when I come in; 
I know him,
He's my friend. 
He belongs to the bar. 

He is there when I arrive, 
He stays when I go home. 
Sometimes he plays pinball, 
Mostly sits alone. 

He's ten years in this city, 
Hops from bar to bar; 
He finds that home away from home 
Where the homeless people are. 

When I first knew him, 
He was running for soul, 
Looking for the magic music 
And the perfect hole. 

He's lost that touch
That left us crying; 
I guess the sun went down 
When he was flying.

He is at the bar again when I come in;  
I know him, 
He's my friend.  
He belongs to the bar. 

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