She's of Earth & Rebirth 

© Andrew Calhoun, unrecorded 

She's of earth and rebirth; she's of swamp and storm and sea, 
I am coming, I am going, and she is coming back to me. 

Swim away into the dark, watch the bait and the hook float by; 
Stand and sing your brave new song, to ears that hear the years go by. 

She's of air and morning fair, where to the swiftest falls the race, 
She's the knowing underdog, she's a place within a place. 

Well, maybe not, but maybe so, maybe only what I see, 
Maybe no place we could go, maybe nothing we could be. 

But she's of joy and sorrow, holding fast and changing slow; 
She's the way and walking through, and come along, you never know, 

A miracle is always true; belief is one and grief is two; 
And love that chooses not to leave, when that's the only thing to do. 

She's of meadow, buck and thorn, she's of fire and jimson weed, 
She's fever down and blood reborn, a whole world hidden in a seed 

Where we're a story in a dream; we're a memory in a mirror; 
A promise line drawn out through time, where you and I are always here.